Lent lunches from Coquet Churches Together
Lunches will be held in the Parish Hall on Dovecote Street, Amble, starting at 12.30pm
This year’s theme is Relationships

Wednesday 13 March Reflection
Wednesday 20 March Mrs Helen Bruce – Starting Early
Wednesday 27 March Rev. Trevor Jamison – Earth Friends
Wednesday 3 April Reflection
Wednesday 10 April Ms. Stephanie Pym – New Neighbours
Come and join us for homemade soup and a bread roll, tea/coffee and biscuits.
This light lunch will be followed by a short time of reflection led by a Churches Together member, or an invited speaker.
We request a minimum donation of £2.00 for each lunch. The money will be shared between the organisations represented by our three speakers, once expenses have been paid.

This is such a beautiful and meaningful journey through Lent. The meal looks delicious. Wish I were there.
I always wonder about charity fun events like a disco or a marathon being hosted on Good Friday. It is a Holy day, not a fun day in the name of charity. Jesus is your main man that day, spend some time with Him, every other charity can wait.