Palm oil on beach warning
Northumberland County Council are advising walkers to be on the lookout for palm oil on the beach after two incidents in the area.

This lump of palm oil was found on Newbiggin Bay, Northumberland. Photo by Graham Lumsdon
The council say that small amounts were found at Newbiggin Bay and Druridge Bay beaches over recent days and there have been reports of oil found at other locations across the country.
They say:
The palm oil may be seen in a variety of forms, from a scattering of pebble-sized lumps that are white and waxy in appearance, to small pea-sized pieces.
Although it is generally considered to be non-toxic and is an edible fat, elsewhere in the country there have been reports of dogs becoming seriously ill after ingesting the substance. Beach visitors are therefore encouraged to keep their eyes open for it and keep children and dogs away from any deposits.
To date there have been no reports of any animals falling ill in the county.
National advice is that If you come into contact with the substance, wash it off with soap or shower gel and wash your clothes.
If anyone finds deposits of palm oil they can contact the council who will come and remove it.
If you are concerned that your dog has been in contact with palm oil, and are concerned about its health, the council advises you to contact your vet as soon as possible.
UPDATE: This article has been updated to include the photo of palm oil on Newbiggin beach