Bringing out the creative spirit

Shelagh Watson with the beautiful hand crafted glass sign
If ever there was proof that a creative spirit is worth nurturing, it is Shelagh Watson, who has created a beautiful sign for Funkyneedlework in the Old Fourways Centre on Bridge Street.
Retired Special Needs teacher Shelagh told The Ambler: “I love making things, and I’ve been doing glass work for about 30 years. When my daughter told me about Josie Dunne’s quilting classes at Funkyneedlework, I decided to join. I used to do quilting many years ago, and I’m really enjoying it.”
And when Josie remarked she would like another sign to draw attention to the needlework business for people travelling down Church Street, Shelagh offered to make one in glass. “I sourced some glass from Iona Glass in Amble. It’s called flash glass, it’s two-colour glass and if you sandblast it, you get the two different colours showing,” she said.
The new sign for Funkyneedlework depicts scissors, thread, pins and other sewing accessories and has been placed on the Bridge Street door where the sunlight shines through the multi coloured glass and reflects off the silver leading.
Josie said: “I am so grateful to Shelagh for the sign. It’s lovely. Her glass working skills are rivalled only by her quilt making skills! It’s wonderful to be surrounded by such creative people. Amble seems to bring out the creative spirit in people!”
Anna Williams