JCSC prom and awards

Students from James Calvert Spence College held their prom at the end of June
The Yr 11 Prom took place for JCSC students at the end of June. They gathered at first in their finery at the school to enjoy a drinks reception with their families and enjoy their Awards Service to celebrate their achievements over the year.
Students received Certificates of Excellence from each subject, recognising effort, attitude and achievement and Shania Allan was presented with a cheque, by Fred Calvert, from the Rotary Club of Warkworth and Amble, for Special Endeavour.
Following the celebrations, students were taken by bus to The Riverside Lodge in Morpeth where they danced the night away and enjoyed a buffet.
“The students looked amazing and were all really well behaved and in good spirits,” said Mrs Parks, teacher and organiser with Mrs Kim Wingfield, Food Technician at JCSC. “We had lovely comments from the venue and the bus company who said we should be very proud of the way our students presented themselves. As staff we are really proud of them and want to thank them for being so wonderful and their parents and families for supporting them on the night.”