Puffins Ahoy!

Author Jenny Colgan will be reading from her ‘Polly and the Puffin’ stories for children. Sunday 28 May 3.30pm at 42 Queen Street
The puffins are preening their feathers, the arts and crafts are being prepared, the games are getting a new lick of paint, and all is a flutter of activity in the countdown to this year’s Amble Puffin Festival.
The main festival will take place over the May bank holiday weekend, Saturday 27th – Monday 29th May. The Town Square will be home to craft and food stalls, music and dancing, and children’s amusements. This year we can also announce that visitors will be able to see puffins in the square! Technology permitting, we hope to be able to offer a VR link with the Coquet Island puffins.
On Saturday evening you can shake your own tail feathers at the Puffin Festival ceilidh in Amble Masonic Hall, with music by Simply Northumbrian.
We are delighted to once again welcome Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan, who will be reading from her ‘Polly and the Puffin’ series of books. This charming event is aimed at children and families, and takes place at 3.30pm on Sunday at 42 Queen Street.

RSPB volunteer Dennis Prosser and puffling. Dennis is giving a talk about puffins for children and families on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 May at Amble Youth Project
You can learn about real puffins and how they live from RSPB volunteer Dennis Prosser on Saturday and Sunday at Amble Youth Project on Dilston Terrace, and there will be puffin-themed craft activity for children at the Seafood Centre on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
The kite display will take place on the Braid all weekend, joined on the Monday by our hugely popular dog show. There are children’s sports, water sports, guided walks, a mini beer festival, a photography treasure trail, and a whole host of fun to be had. Amble RNLI will be officially naming their new lifeboat on Saturday, and there is a Blessing of the Fleet service on Monday.
Of course, the main event should be a trip around Coquet Island (weather permitting) to see the puffins as they prepare to take care of their newly hatched pufflings. Booking is essential: Ring Puffin Cruises on 01665 711975.
Our Puffin fringe takes place from Tuesday 20th May to Saturday 3 June.
During the half term week, we will have guided history and nature walks, talks from RSPB warden Paul Morrison, Coble and Keelboat Society member Colin Robson, and local historian Bartle Rippon. Friday night sees poet Ian Williams team up with songwriter Philip Stuckey for another evening of fun and music.
There will be water sports, children’s storytelling, quilting and sewing workshops, pottery painting and a kite making workshop on various days during the week.
The entire festival ends on a high as usual, with the ever popular Colony music festival. This takes place on the Little Shore, from midday to 8pm, with music from local bands, children’s amusements and refreshments.
See www.amblepuffinfest.co.uk for times, venues and more information.