Nursery successes for Amble and Warkworth

Posted on 02nd March 2017 | in Education , King Edwin Primary , Warkworth Cof E Primary School

Edwin Street Nursery was judged to make good provision for its pupils during a recent Ofsted inspection. The report commented “Children are happy, confident and enjoy their time in this welcoming and friendly nursery.” and “Children are successfully acquiring the skills that they need to help them with their future learning, including moving on to school.”

The nursery is part of Amble First School; head teacher, Joyce Jenkins said “Our staff team, supported by parents, strive to make sure that each child gets the experiences, support and challenges that they need to develop as individuals and to achieve the best they possibly can – while having fun in a safe and caring setting.”

Parents who would like to find out more about places in Edwin Street Nursery can just call into the school or telephone 01665 710388

Congratulations to Warkworth

Staff and children at Warkworth C of E Primary School (below left) were delighted to receive a letter of congratulations from Nick Gibb MP (Minister of State for School Standards) for outstanding achievement in the 2016 phonics screening check.
With 100% of children reaching or exceeding the pass mark – Warkworth School is now in the top 3% of all primary schools in the country.

Jacqui Carrick, Head Teacher said, “This achievement reflects the hard work of our children, staff and parental support. We are all very proud.”

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