Code club will help Amble children get ahead

In front row are Amble youngsters Louise Spuhler (age 11) and George-Anne Carnegie (age 12) and Cllr Robert Arckless, cabinet member for children’s services at Northumberland County Council. Behind are Nathan Fuller from the iNorthumberland team and Anna Williams from the Amble Development Trust.
Young people in Amble are set to learn the basics of computer programming as a successful funding bid has brought £2,000 worth of new IT equipment for a coding club in the town.
Amble Development Trust approached Northumberland County Council’s digital team for support in gaining funding to purchase the equipment needed for a Code Club – part of developing a digital hub for the local community
Code Club is a nationwide charity which encourages children aged between nine and 11 to start learning the basics of computer coding. It is in addition to the normal school curriculum, and is run by volunteers.
The scheme provides easy to follow step-by-step guides which help children learn Scratch, HTML & CSS and Python by making games, animations, and websites.
It gradually introduces coding concepts to allow children to build their knowledge incrementally, meaning there’s also no need for the adult running the session to be a computing expert.
iNorthumberland, part of Northumberland County Council’s digital team, has introduced a number of code clubs, with almost 20 now active across the county.
Cllr Robert Arckless, cabinet member for children’s services and a county councillor for Amble, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to help the development trust to get the equipment they need to run a code club – providing opportunities for local children to improve their life skills and raise career aspirations.
“Coding for children has recently been introduced to the national curriculum so this will also help to meet educational targets. I wish the club success.”
Anna Williams from the Amble Development Trust added: “We would like to thank Northumberland County Council’s digital team for their support in achieving this funding – allowing us to buy Chromebooks and establish a code club.
“The club will provide great opportunities for local children to learn the basics of computer coding and also support a more digitally skilled workforce for the area in the future. There has been a lot of interest in the club already, both from young people wanting to join, and adults interested in volunteering to help.”
If you are interested in establishing a club in your area of Northumberland , or finding out more, visit