Trust Life: Top of the High Streets

l- r Jeff Watson (NCC/ Amble TC); David Hall (Northumberland Tourism); Ann Burke (Amble Business Club); GB High St judges Jake Werth and Mark Holder and Julia Aston (Amble Development Trust)
Welcome to Trust Life from one of the top Coastal Communities in the country! At the time of writing we are still in the running for the coastal community category of the Great British High Street competition, and ultimate overall accolade.
Whatever the outcome, we thank you all for the fantastic support you have shown by voting; you are obviously as proud of our high street as we are. I wouldn’t say we have been competitive (oh yes we have) but when told we were in second place, everyone went into overdrive ensuring friends and family pressed that button every day!
The judges who arrived to meet local business people and volunteers, while giving little away, appeared to be impressed by the range of independent businesses, quality of shops and lack of charity shops.
They met volunteers from the Christmas Lights, RNLI, skiff, Northumbrian Pipers and Brambles, seeing how all age ranges interacted within the community.
Amble History Group provided photos of Queen Street, harbour and quayside so we were able to show the difference regeneration has made over the years.
It was amazing to say ‘if you stood here 30 years ago you would have been under a bridge and a little earlier where the pods are would have been the brick kilns’; some change. For the grand finale – we fed them with fantastic fish and chips!
So we are waiting in anticipation, with everything crossed for decision day. Two representatives have been invited to London to the awards ceremony, where they will find out who has been successful in their category, plus the overall competition winner.
The repair works have been carried out at the welfare with the small swings left to be installed. Lets hope the older ‘children’ leave the swings alone this time and enjoy their own activities, rather than spoil the area for other users!
The groundwork quote is now prepared for drainage, so once we receive quotes for housing above the Pride shop in Queen St we will see how we can work the two projects together.
Harbour Village
It hardly seems possible that it is a year since I was encouraging everyone to wait and see what gifts the pods at the Harbour Village would have in store – a prophesy well meant but ill timed, given the length of time the area has taken to complete.
Well here we are, and we’re looking forward to late night shopping with entertainment and surprises in store for everyone. Harbour Village co-ordinator Sarah Dunne has leaflets available so you don’t miss out on anything.
The Seafood Centre is now operating and open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday mornings for the sale of fresh fish whenever there is any caught.
At this time of year quota and weather are against the fishermen. However there will be another opportunity to meet local chef Jonny Bird of Sea and Soil Bistro to learn how to make fabulous Christmas canapés. So you can add that little bit of extra vavavoom to your Christmas day menu!