Artograffi: Halloween 2015
Mog on the Tyne also known as the cat cafe
I have been to a new café in Newcastle called Mog on the Tyne. This café has 9 cats: Maggie, Sir Francis, Sybil, Rum, Gizmo Tokyo and his brother Jaffa Cake, Tyrion and Stan. For this café you have to have no shoes on don’t feed the cats or pick them up. These cats are really friendly and all are cute in their own way.
by Hope
Dog kennels plays rock music to scared dogs
I wanted to know what happens to pets/animals on bonfire night. So I asked a local vet and the dog kennels at Whitley Bay:
I was wondering do animals get scared from bonfire night and what do you do? Do you think bonfire night a good thing?
Richard from the kennels said:
“I wish more people asked that question. The weeks surrounding bonfire night fill us with dread.
“As you probably know, most shops start selling firework
s from October so, they’re easy to buy. In Whitley Bay from about mid- October there are fireworks being let off almost every night.
“As soon as we hear or see them we go out to the kennels. Some dogs hide and others will become agitated and are looking for help.
If there are not too many fireworks, we can calm them down usually in about half an hour or so by distracting the dogs by being loud and playing, but that’s still not much fun if we are having to help them at 11 at night or later!”
“Firework displays are different. Usually the people organizing it will come and let us know in advance. Just before the display is due to start , we go out to the kennels with a large stereo and play very loud rock music as loud as we possibly can. We also set up some portable floodlights and try to make the kennels as light as possible. The hope is to drown out the bangs and lights from the fireworks as much as we can.
But, it doesn’t prevent the dogs from getting really stressed out and upset – it`s not a nice thing to watch!”
Fiona at the vets gave some advice for dogs at home “Firstly the dog should be kept at home in a part of the home they feel comfortable and secure in. Extra soundproofing of the room can be helpful. Scared dogs often like to run to a ‘bolt hole’ for example a cupboard, under a bed or their favourite sleeping place so this area should always be available.
“Long term there are also some special programmes to introduce dogs to loud noises but these have to be started many months before firework night to be helpful.”
So keep your animals safe on bonfire night.
By Hope.
When I met two scary authors
If you like reading scary books you might have heard about Derek Landy and Darren Shan.
Derek Landy has been described as the scariest author around. He is the author of Skulduggery Pleasant.
On 7th September last year I met him at Waterstones in Newcastle. He came to sign books and it was amazing he was really kind. I went with my Mam and my Sister. He is one of my favourite authors. My favourite book of his is The Faceless Ones. We were talking for ages, which really annoyed the other people waiting to get their books signed.
Another author I have met is the master of horror…Darren Shan! He is the author of books like zom-b clan
I went to see him on the 6th July last year with my Mam and my Sister because my sister loves him and his books. She got 2 or 3 books signed. I got a hug.
by Emma-Jane
Binky and the hibernating hamster
Binky lifted Fudge cake, his new pet hamster, out of her cage and into the runway he’d built her. She ran along the tubes and tunnels, her nose leading her at junctions, until she found the bowl of treats. Binky watched happily as she snaffled them up. Watching her had made him hungry too, so he quickly left to get a bamboo snack.
When he came back, he found… Fudge cake was gone! Binky gasped and frantically started searching
for her until he found the naughty hamster. But she was lying on the floor, eyes closed; was she dead?!
Sobbing, Binky told his mum about what had happened and, to his surprise, she laughed!
“She isn’t dead Binky!” his mum smiled at him, “Fudge cake’s hibernating for the winter!”
Binky’s’ mum helped him set up a crate with straw and blankets inside then tucked Fudge cake in to it. They placed it by the radiator so she could keep warm.
“See you in spring!” whispered Binky into the blankets, hoping his hamster was going to have a good LONG sleep!
By Lily T

Hibernation is an amazing procedure in which animals store energy as fat to keep them warm over winter. Running about uses a lot of energy so sleeping allows them to store energy and warmth while it’s chilly.
Some animals sleep a lot, but not true hibernation.
I asked the Ulgham nature sanctuary what they do for their animals that hibernate in winter and they said that they have two animals that hibernate, their tortoise and the hedgehogs.
They stop feeding the tortoise before he goes into hibernation so he can sleep with an empty stomach (it’s good for him, don’t worry!). They weigh him, put him in a crate with lots of straw and, when he wakes, they place him in a bowl of lukewarm water to rehydrate him.
They will either over winter the hedgehogs or let them sleep, depending on whether they are over or under 500gms. If they are over, they will hibernate just like the tortoise. If the hedgehogs are under, they will over winter them- put them under heat lamps and provide them plenty of food and drink so they have no need to hibernate. Because of their size, they wouldn’t survive hibernation.
Ulgham nature sanctuary had to close down to public and their only source of donation after a zoo license was requested. Now they are relying on us to help save the animals, even blankets and biscuits can really make a difference!
By Lily T
Vampire dolls are all the rage
You might have heard about Reborn dolls but have you heard of the vampire one? We both own and adore Reborn dolls.
Some people treat Reborn dolls like real babies, they spend money on things that are not needed, for example: real baby food, real baby nappies, packs and packs of baby wipes, a prope
r Reborn changing table and baby cots.
We know this because we have seen YouTube videos on Reborn dolls where people try to feed them with real food. Some people buy vampire Reborn dolls! Or they just buy the doll and get a customisation kit to make them into vampires.
Here’s our vampire doll! She is called Ellisabat.
By Bethany and
Lily W
Why 13 men wanted to blow up the government
Guy Fawkes is amazing. If you’ve never heard of him listen more in your history lessons!
On November 5th 1605, Guy Fawkes was one of 13 men who didn’t like King James the first and went against him in the gunpowder plot.
The gunpowder plot was against the king because he didn’t like Catholics and they weren’t allowed to do many things. Robert Catesby was leader. They wanted to kill the king with gunpowder. Thirty six gunpowder barrels were stored in a cellar under the House of Lords in London.
The group worked hard and soon realised innocent people would be hurt even people on their side. One of them sent a letter to their friends telling them to watch out. The king found the letter and demanded forces to stop them. Sadly Guy Fawkes was in the cellar and forces came down into the cellar, they quickly killed him.
To celebrate the safety of the king they made a bonfire which we still do today. Some people still wonder whether they were celebrating the safety of the king or honouring attempt from Guy Fawkes and his friends to do what they thought was right.
By Ava
Guy Fawkes is amazing. If you’ve never heard of him listen more in your history lessons!
On November 5th 1605, Guy Fawkes was one of 13 men who didn’t like King James the first and went against him in the gunpowder plot.
The gunpowder plot was against the king because he didn’t like Catholics and they weren’t allowed to do many things. Robert Catesby was leader. They wanted to kill the king with gunpowder. Thirty six gunpowder barrels were stored in a cellar under the House of Lords in London.
The group worked hard and soon realised innocent people would be hurt even people on their side. One of them sent a letter to their friends telling them to watch out. The king found the letter and demanded forces to stop them. Sadly Guy Fawkes was in the cellar and forces came down into the cellar, they quickly killed him.
To celebrate the safety of the king they made a bonfire which we still do today. Some people still wonder whether they were celebrating the safety of the king or honouring attempt from Guy Fawkes and his friends to do what they thought was right.
By Ava
Here is a picture of my ‘pearcock’ I made for Warkworth Flower Show. I used a pear for the body, carrots for the legs and beak, raisins for the eyes, green grapes for the feathers and blueberries for the feather details.
I came first in the Year 5 and 6 ‘An animal made from fruit and/or vegetables’
It took me five minutes to make. I couldn’t eat it at the end, because there were wasps and people might have sneezed on it!
By Hope