Our age of insecurity – part 3

Posted on 21st October 2014 | in Community , Harry McQuillen: Age of insecurity

The six and a half million carers, of all ages, who look after relatives and others, show us clearly that the links between people are still alive. Volunteering is widespread in our society, producing benefits for the volunteers themselves and the people they help.

Locally we have the Development Trust, a health walks group, environmental volunteers, (think of our Town Square and local litter-picking) church groups and Citizens Advice Bureau. Prison and hospital visitors bring help and comfort to a lot of vulnerable people.
In fact we have many formal and informal networks of people who give time and energy on behalf of others.

We may quibble over the decisions of our town councillors, but how many of us are prepared to stand for election. This publication, our own Ambler, depends on the contributions of volunteers.

I just came across a LETS scheme many years ago in another part of the country. The members do all sorts for others, earning credit points for the work they do. No money changes hands, much to the annoyance of certain government departments! Of course volunteers run the schemes and they try to keep everybody happy.

Some years ago Amble had a Credit Union. I remember that Ron Horne had something to do with the organisation. I was told that Ron had something to do with the development of the breathalyser.

Tens of thousands of registered charities depend on the generosity of volunteers and donors. We sometimes question the final distinction of some of our donations and the size of the salaries paid to senior staff, but we often see and hear of the good work done by charities.

I re-iterate my view that people have to work together to make our world a better place. Most of us do things for others. Long may the good work continue!
Harry McQuillen

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