County Councillors reports
Parking issues
Over recent weeks I have met with Barry Rowland, the Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services to stress my concern that the long-running problems surrounding parking and parking enforcement in Amble need to be brought forward and any changes consulted on and then implemented. Jeff Watson and I met senior officers who deal with parking issues and we agreed a way forward including consultation with the Town Council on proposals arising from the public responses to the traffic regulation suggestions put forward.
We both agree that the issue is not just about traffic regulation but the lack of available parking and that matter is also under consideration. The target is proposals can come to the May Town Council with progress on implementation in July.
HMP Northumberland
Recent events at HMP Northumberland are a matter of concern. New management structures following privatisation and staffing restructures are barely settled in. The matter was raised at a meeting of the County Council when the leader proposed a task group of councillors examine issues and report back as a matter of urgency through the Scrutiny process. There was some controversy. Some members suggested that this was not a matter for the Council. I fundamentally disagree.
I worked in HM Young Offenders Institute Castington Education Department between 1985 and 87. In secure establishments the well-being and safety of staff and inmates cannot be taken for granted. For a considerable period I chaired a Prison Community Liaison Committee which was established by the then Prison Governor in response to concerns about community safety.
I have no wish to be alarmist. It is incomprehensible to me that such a service can be considered suitable for privatisation. I do accept that has happened and the issue now is to ensure that standards of safety and care for staff and inmates are maintained. The role of elected members was recognised by the prison service in the past and should be going forward. We have shared aims and responsibilities.
Robert Arckless
Telephone 01665 711938 / mobile 07724097017
By the time you read this the hedge outside the bus shelter on Acklington Road will have been cut back to waist height to enable passengers and bus drivers alike to see each other.I have had some difficulty in getting what seemed like a simple request carried out but I am pleased that at last it has been. I must thank the Chair of JCSC Governors Scot Dickinson for his help in this matter.
There suddenly seems to be a lot of activity in the Amble area with housing developments and new businesses popping up all over the place. I hope like me you find it all very exciting and hopefully will give the boost to Amble that it has sorely needed since the closure of Cheviot Foods.
I am heavily involved in the Harbour Village Project and I can assure you that a tremendous amount of work is going on so that the scheme can be at least part completed this year.
The development that is in the process of being planned for Gloster Hill has a long way to go. The recent meeting and exhibition was not part of the formal planning process and was an attempt by the developers to gain residents views and hopefully take them into account when a formal and proper planning application is submitted. At that stage local residents will be able to lodge letters of support or objection based on planning laws. The Parish Council of Warkworth will be the main local consultee as the development is within its Parish boundary. Amble Town Council will also be consulted as it is so close to its boundary.
The long awaited consultation on Car Parking is due to be presented to the Town Council on May 8. As you may expect the results will not please everyone and the Town Council will be asked to make some tough decisions but in the end we should arrive at a plan that can be understood and suit most requirements.I understand that there are also some proposals for creating new parking spaces in the short and long term….but we will have to wait for final details.
As ever I am available on
Jeff Watson