Easter experienced at St. Cuthbert’s Parish Church

Posted on 15th May 2014 | in Amble Links Primary School , Community , King Edwin Primary

Easter-at-St-CuthbertsThis experience was set up to tell the story of Jesus’ last week from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection on Easter Day.

Six stations were set up around the church telling a different part of the story, and the children of Links  and Amble First Schools were invited to attend.

They were transported back to the first Easter by the congregation, who were dressed as people from biblical times.

The children were told about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and discussed hopes and dreams.

After discussing the last supper they talked about how Christians remember Jesus and things that have happened to them.  The washing of the disciples’ feet helped them to understand how to serve each other as Jesus did.

While sitting in a representation of the garden of Gethsemene the children listened to how Jesus was left alone and they thought about times when they had felt alone. With the story of the crucifixion the children learned about the importance of the cross for Christians. Finally the groups visited Jesus’ tomb and were told about what the disciples found and how this made them feel.

“What was the name of the donkey”  was one of the questions.  Answer  “Stuart!”  So now you all know the name of the donkey Jesus rode into Jerusalem.

Peter Cordingley on behalf of the volunteers who made this possible.

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