Why Hope and Lily can have fun for free

Hope and Lily’s Blue Peter badges!
We interviewed Hope and Lily (pictured), the proud owners of Blue Peter badges.
Hope applied for her sports badge during the summer holidays of 2013, when she did the task of introducing her friend to running; they had to take a picture of the event and get a teacher (from Hope’s school) to sign a form. Hope also had to answer some questions.
Lily’s process however was very different to Hope’s. She told us that she had written a letter about right whales and how they were almost extinct (as she had learnt about them at school) she did this letter with her sister who also got a badge.
There are lots of different types of Blue Peter badges, for example: blue, silver, green, sports and many more. The gold badge is very rare it’s a badge that people only receive if they have done something incredible, like saving someone’s life or helping someone recover.
Hope and Lily are extremely lucky because they get to go to places like Alton Towers and Edinburgh Zoo for free! Why? It’s because of their badges of course! They got a special pass with their picture on which allows them to go to loads of British attractions for free!
Blue Peter is on every Thursday night on the CBBC channel at 5:30pm.
By Niamh Mackintosh
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Mothers day
Mother’s Day is a day when you by your mum a present and make her breakfast in bed. You look after her and you give her your company and show her how much you love and respect her for all she has done.
The most traditional Mothers Day gift is flowers. Mother’s day happens every year. This year Mother day is on Sunday the 30th of March.
By Martha Bilacz
Story: Binky’s raft race
Binky is a young panda who gets up to an awful lot of trouble!
“Shall we get some more wood Binky?” asked Bazzle. The two best friends were building a raft for the famous ‘Amazon Panda’s River Race’, which they were going to win!
Their raft was small and wooden and lined with leaves. Binky’s little sister Ivy insisted it had to be tied together with jungle vines and stuffed with flowers. Their team was called TeamBB.
There were four other teams; Team Flower, Team Adult, Team Sandy and friends, and Team Lucky Ducks.
“3,2,1…..go!” shouted the head panda, and with that, all the pandas set off. Sandy and her five friends immediately fell off their raft and into the river, as did the adult team, but Team Flower and Team Lucky Ducks speeded on with Team BB.
Suddenly, the all-girl Team Flower raft turned a wrong turn…to the waterfalls!
“We have to do something,” shouted Binky, “they’ll be killed!”
“So will we!” said Bazzle but they turned their raft all the same.
Soon, they were speeding along the waves trying to catch the girls using one of the jungle vines from their raft. Suddenly, the waterfall came in sight.
Nearly all the girls had caught on to the vine, except Blossom.
“Help!” she cried as the rope slipped away from her grasp.
Quick as a flash, Binky started crawling along the tight vine across to their raft, and just in time, managed to grab her.
Team BB did not win the race, but they both got a bravery medal for saving lives!
By Lily Tibbits
The longest raft ride ever- 9,300 miles
Back in 1973,Spanish explorer Vital Alsar, had an idea of a raft ride from south America to Australia via the Pacific Ocean. The massive journey using only basic rafts was the longest ever recorded of its kind.
The reason for the trip was to prove that ancient civilization could have travelled between continents years ago using simple rafts and boats.
A group of 12 men built 3 basic rafts (4 men per raft) made of balsa wood for the bases and bamboo for the cabins in Ecuador.
After the voyage started, most days followed the same routine; drinking rainwater, fishing and cooking. If the crew ever needed space or wanted to be distracted from the daily chores, some did other jobs to keep their mind busy such as washing clothes.
Crew member Mike Fitzgibbons said after a while that they looked primitive since their clothes were ragged and they had beards and long hair and they were unable to shave.
When the men were near to Australia, they began feeling depressed because they would have to go back to a normal lifestyle with work and their bosses and other things people normally do.
By Will
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The Easter story
Easter is a celebration where you get Easter eggs
The Easter bunny comes and leaves you chocolate eggs.
It is a celebration where Christians believe that Jesus gave his life so that we could live. One of his disciples betrayed Him to the Romans. They put him on the cross and put nails through His hands and feet. They also put a crown of thorns around his head He was crucified and he died.
He got put into a stone cold tomb and his body got rubbed with myrrh and a massive stone was rolled over the exit .
Jesus lay in the tomb for three days on the third day Mary and a friend came to visit Jesus and when they got there the stone had moved and the only thing inside the tomb was a bunch of sheets and cloth. Mary was so sad, she was shocked, she could not believe it. She saw a man walk up to her, it was Jesus! “How are you alive?” she asked.
“Well, I rose from the dead because God wanted me to “ said Jesus.
By Martha Bilacz
Nelson Mandela is remembered
Nelson Mandela was 95 when he died at the end of 2013.
When Nelson Mandela was a young man, white and black people in South Africa lived separate lives under a system called apartheid. White people, who were a small part of the population, were in charge of the country.
It was illegal for black people to use the same schools, hospitals, and even beaches as white people. Conditions in whites-only schools and hospitals were much better. Black people were also denied basic rights – like being allowed to vote in elections.
But Nelson Mandela believed that everybody should be treated equally. Mandela joined a political party called the African National Congress (ANC) and later co-founded the ANC Youth League, leading protests against apartheid.
Sometimes the demonstrations turned violent and in 1964 Mandela was sentenced to life in prison on Robben Island.
While Mandela was in prison, photos of him were banned and it was even illegal to quote him in public. But people from all over the world campaigned for his release. Songs were written and big concerts were held in protest. Thousands of people gathered to celebrate his freedom.
Finally in 1990 the South African President FW de Klerk – a white man – allowed him to go free. Mandela had spent 27 years in jail and was greeted as a hero on his release.
Mandela is famous for promoting a message of forgiveness and equality. Apartheid was abolished in 1991, and three years later South Africa held its first elections in which black people, as well as white, were allowed to vote. Nelson Mandela was elected President and set about trying to bring people of different races together.
In 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize – the highest honour of its kind – for his work.
Even though Nelson Mandela helped to change South Africa into a fairer place, the country still has lots of problems today, including poverty, violent crime and disease. But he’ll be remembered around the world for his message of peace and unity.
By Niamh
Recommended game
Rayman legends: help our limbless hero (Rayman) protect against the darkness threatening the land once again. With over 100 levels, you can compete against the world in the daily and weekly challenge. Play as over 20 characters, keep over 50 pets and challenge your friends to a game of Kung foot. (PS3, PS4, X-box, 360 x-box one and Wii U)
My rating: 4.5/5
By Sebastian Bilacz
Well as you know we all love Minecraft from the creepers to the zombies from the woods to the desert. It’s just fantastic, the villagers are creepy and the spiders – well I can’t help hiding in my little house! What is the best thing about Minecraft for you?
My dream is that that one day when I was just randomly mining, I would find some gold. That would be so cool. The best thing about Minecraft is the monsters.
By Gaby H-D
Doctor Loo
Some people who are big fans of The Doctor have changed their bathroom door to look like a tardis.
Here is a poem about it:
Doctor loo, Doctor loo,
if you are a fan of Doctor Who,
Look online, go on CBBC news round,
I can tell you now that you will be surprised what you have found.
Go to your bathroom look at the door,
I don’t want to spoil any more
look online like I have told you before!
By Ben H-D
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Pancake day
Pancake day is all about pancakes and every body loves it so when you wake up get ready to flip your pancakes.
Pancake day also known as Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent is when we count down 40 days until Easter, when Jesus died on the cross .The whole point about Lent is for Christians to give up something like chocolate, so pancake day is the last day to have some thing yummy before Lent. Shrove Tuesday is on the 4th of March this year
By Annabel
I come out at night as it is cool
I hop along the grass blade to blade,
Leaving a white trial as I go
I am the ring leader of snow
I leave your cars frozen solid
De icer is my foe
But you are my friend
You play in my work
For I am frost
I say bye bye as the sun comes up but beware I will be back when you say night night.
By Victoria Coleran