Trust Life: Call Me Maybe

The Harbour Village would consist of a seafood brokerage, 15 incubator pods and landscaping. A hospitality training centre would be located in the town.
Call Me Maybe
Since the last edition of The Ambler, we have been waiting patiently (well perhaps not quite so patiently) for the outcome of the Coastal Communities Fund bid, which was due on January 6th.
First day back at work after the Christmas break and we were all excited; Santa had been kind to us all, would CCF do the same? Sadly not. The day came and went as did the week, then another – the waiting was excruciating. Each phone call and email having the potential to be The Call!
And then – finally – at the end of January came A Call. Not The Call, but a call nonetheless… saying… “No formal announcement for the next couple of weeks.”
Government timescales seem to run at a different speed to everyone else’s, so I am writing this in the middle of February, still waiting for an official announcement from Danny Alexander. I doubt he’ll be ringing me himself, but you never know.
We have our fingers crossed and by the time you read this, I hope the outcome will have been announced, and obviously I hope it will be a YES!.
A huge amount of work went into the bid from the team at Northumberland County Council and ourselves. So much background work had to be complete before the bid could be submitted, but that was only a starter. Planning conditions had to be met or resolved, partnership agreements in place, service procurement carried out ready to commence if successful – the list went on. But officers at NCC, who have been designated to work with the trust, have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything would be in place.
Often people can be critical of the county council, but I can vouch that on this occasion they have been extremely supportive and proactive.
There are several elements to the project: the Harbour Village, relocation of the Shorebase Trust, public realm improvement works and hospitality training centre. If the Harbour Village gets the CCF funding then this, combined with the Marina, Boat Yard and Persimmon developments and our affordable housing project above the Pride of Northumbria means a busy and hopefully exciting year for the town.
Brothers In Arms
On the events front, we are working with the town council on their World War 1 project. The project will look at and record the social aspects of the war and the affect it had on the town and community. So if you have any information you would like to include or perhaps you would like to get involved please contact Elaine at the town council office on the Quayside. There are opportunities for everyone, whatever your age – Amble needs you!
Bird Is The Word
Of course while this research is taking place we are also organising the next Puffin Festival, which is slightly shorter than last year’s. The intentions are to begin with the opening ceremony on Bank Holiday Monday which, if funding is secured, will be a visual spectacular including aerial performances. Of course we will be involving local school children who will have the opportunity of working with professional artists. So keep your fingers crossed – again!
Julia & the Trust Team