Have your say on Amble’s car parking review
Northumberland County Council has been working with the Town Council and the Business Club on parking in the town.
In February 2013 a ‘1 hour limited waiting’ restriction was introduced on Queen Street and feedback has been mostly positive.
Discussions have continued and other areas have been identified where the level of parking raises road safety concerns.
Therefore it is proposed to introduce amendments to the existing restrictions which are summarised below.
• Protecting the junctions where visibility is an issue:-
Gibson St, Albert St, Church St, Middleton St, High St, Percy St, Dilston Terr, Turner St, Coquet St, Leslie Dr, John St, Newburgh St, Ladbroke St, Marine Rd., and Ivy St.
• Proposed ‘No Waiting Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm’ on Church Street.
• Proposed ‘No Waiting Every Day 9am-6pm’ on Leazes Street.
• Proposed ‘Loading bays’ and ‘Disabled Bays’ on Queen Street.
• Proposed Removal of Restriction on High Street (already consulted and approved).
Comments are invited on the consultation which will end on Wed 8th January 2014.
You can view the consultation in full online

I think Amble could do with a car park all there is at the moment is the one beside the public toilets and information office other than parking on Queen Street and street’s near bye , which residents are unable to park outside there own house. If Amble want people to stop in the town they want some where to park, also disabled spaces are few only one as I’ve noticed,/