Christmas Card winners

Posted on 13th December 2012 | in Amble Links Primary School , Community , King Edwin Primary , Young People’s Activities

Bobby with Miss Barnes, Mr. Heeley and Mack Hetherington.

Bobby with Miss Barnes, Mr. Heeley and Mack Hetherington.

Liam Douglas, Amble First School

Liam Douglas, Amble First School.

Two First School pupils, Bobby Stone and Liam Douglas,  have had their designs for a Christmas card chosen by St. Cuthbert’s Church, the card to be delivered to  all residents in the town.   Reverend Dr.  Diane Westmoreland asked pupils to design the card and the invitation was accepted with enthusiasm.

Bobby is in Year 4  at Links First School and Liam is in Year 3  at Amble First School, Edwin Street.  The two each received an Advent calendar, presented to Liam, by Reverend Diane and to Bobby by Church Warden Mack Hetherington.

Pictures show Bobby with Mack,  Headteacher Mr. Heeley  and class teacher Miss Barnes;   Liam beside the Christmas tree in school).

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