International ‘Gold Medal’ for Amble First School

Posted on 11th December 2012 | in Education , King Edwin Primary , News

Mascot “Amble Monkey” travels the world with Edwin St school teachers

Amble First School has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.

The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas.

The British Council works with schools to develop young people’s understanding of international culture and to gain skills they need to live and work as global citizens.

Amble First School’s international work includes curriculum projects on a range of places, including Scandinavia, China, Mexico and Africa.

They also have a long-standing partnership with a primary school in Nairobi, Kenya, with teacher exchange visits and children in both schools sharing work by studying similar topics through the year.

In addition, the children following the adventures of their school mascot, Amble Monkey, as he travels the world with members of staff.

John Rolfe from the British Council congratulated Amble First School on its achievement: “The school’s fantastic international work is not only giving the young people a better understanding of the world around them, but it’s really making a difference to their future prospects too.

Employers are telling us that international skills are just as important as exam results – so everything the school is doing is vital preparation for life in a global society and work in a global economy. 2012 is a big year for the UK on the world’s stage, and the school deserves a gold medal of its own for all its outstanding commitment to a range of fantastic international work.’’

On hearing the news that Amble First School had received the Award, head teacher Joyce Jenkins said, “We are very proud of the international work that we do.

“We believe that it is vital for children to learn about the lives of people in other parts of the world and to recognise the similarities between us as well as the differences.

“It is lovely that the efforts of the staff have been recognised by this Award.”

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