Young citizens award ceremony – 2011

CSO Darin Fawcett, Nick Spurr, overall winner Amber Brown, Insp Sue Peart, Chief Insp Mick Todd, Lindsey Little, Richard Kielty, Joseph Gair, Waverley Young and Samantha Coulthard
Five young model citizens were awarded prizes and trophies to recognise their outstanding behaviour and attitude both in and out of school. Thirteen year old Amber Brown from James Calvert Spence College, South Avenue was selected as the overall winner.
Following the success of last years Young Citizens Award ceremony, Chief Inspector Mick Todd, Inspector Sue Peart and CSO Darin Fawcett presented the awards to the good children of the Amble area.
Book tokens, swimming vouchers, free entry to local amenities and vouchers for a local restaurant were among the prizes, with the top prize being a mountain bike. Local businesses had all donated the prizes. The five children had been selected by their schools.
Inspector Sue Peart began by saying that she was pleased that the ceremony had turned into an annual event as the good kids of Amble deserved to be rewarded for their hard-work and behaviour. She also praised CSO Fawcett and said how proud she was of him for setting up the event.
Next, CSO Fawcett explained why each child had been nominated for the award.
- Amber Brown from James Calvert Spence College was nominated for her continuous charity work – since year 5 she has organised a yearly Charity Talent Show independent of school, raising funds in total of £350.00 which she has donated to the school, Wansbeck Baby Unit, Breast Cancer and Cystic Fibrosis charities.
- Joseph Gair from Amble Links First School was nominated due to the improvement that he has shown in his attitude outlook and behaviour during his final year at Amble Links First School. He is active and helpful in school, and spends a good deal of time helping his Grandmother to care for his 89 year old Grandfather.
- Lindsey Little from St Cuthberts First School was nominated for her excellent behaviour and being a role model for the younger children in school. In addition, she was praised for her work in the environment, picking up litter and rubbish around the surrounding areas of where she lives and plays.
- Samantha Coulthard from Warkworth First Schoool was nominated for her good attendance and fantastic attitude to school and for spending time looking after and caring for the school animals. She is an active youngster who sometimes cycles from home in Acklington to school in Warkworth and even helps to feed the calves on her Grandma’s farm
- Waverley Young from Amble First School was nominated for being a popular and friendly member of the school and for being at the forefront of fund raising for school and charity. She is extemely concious of ecological issues and single handedly mounted a poster campaign to encourage energy saving and respect for the environment.
Each young citizen was presented with an award and a goodie bag. The overall winner was given a bicycle donated by Nick Spurr of Spurreli’s.
Amber Brown was selected as the overall winner and was presented with the bike by Chief Inspector Mick Todd, Inspector Peart and CSO Darin Fawcett.
Amber said ‘It was really good to be nominated and I’m excited and pleased to have won the prizes. I especially love the bike.’
In recognition that this was now an annual event, Nickalls Accountants had donated a plaque displaying the names of this year’s and last year’s overall winner.
Amber presented the plaque to Head Teacher Richard Kielty, with Rebecca Orr representing Nickalls Accountants.
Richard said “It’s an honour to recieve [the plaque] as it’s a recongnition for the school and the police as a positive outcome of working together. Amber is a deserved winner as she does a lot for the school and the community. She is always coming up with fantastic and creative ideas including organising and leading a talent show which raised £100 within the first hour.”
CSO Fawcett and Inspector Peart also gave a huge thanks to all of the sponsors who kindly donated prizes for the ceremony.
Donators for Amble & Warkworth Good Citizens Award as follows;Nick & Katie Spurr, Spurrelis’ Ice Cream Parlour.
Trish Grahamslaw, Nickalls Accountants.
Julia Aston, Amble Development Trust.
Amble Town Council.
Ian August, Alnwick Gardens.
Janneil Elliott & Joanne Stone, Castlemania.
Samantha Ryder, Warkworth Castle.
Staff at Tesco Express, Queen Street.
Nicolle Kirk, Granary Leisure Complex.
Karl & Karen Brunton, Amble Marina.
Canon Janet Brearley, Church of St Lawrence Warkworth.
Reverend Diane Westmoreland.
Beryl Hewson, Queen Street Post Office.
Staff at The Greenhouse, Warkworth.
Louise Keeble, Cabosse Confectionary, Warkworth.
Kerry Turtle, Zecca’s Italian Restaurant.
Florence Angus, JK Crafts.
Jon Nolan, Northside Surf.
If anyone would like to contribute to next year’s Good Young Citizens Award, please contact CSO Darin Fawcett on
Dan Stephenson
This article has been updated. On 27 June more detail was added into the reasons why each young person was nominated.
Awards for behaving well? Good god – whatever next!
I find this comment to be patronising at best and downright insulting at worst. It is a very WORTHY CAUSE and you should be full of praise. How about contributing to next years Young Citizens Award Mr Grumpy.
In response to the comments left by Alan. Surely in this day and age it is better to reward young people for their good work at school and within their community than to reward young people who constantly cause problems for others. I think if the gentleman was given the chance to to read about all the good work these five young people have done and continue to do, he might just change his mind.
To answer your comments:-
In my day behaving well was a given and no reward was expected or awarded to anyone because they behaved as they should.
Some of these awards are for friendliness, good attendance and a fantastic attitude to school – but this should be the norm for all young people. If that achievement is so exceptional in Amble schools then something needs to be done about the quality and standard of education in this town – and fast!
Just my opinion!
Hi, Im replying to Alans comment.
In this day and age you cant expect everyone to behave well so you should be proud of this. I’m sure the more sensible people would keep their comments to themselves other than starting arguments. Do remember these kids did this on their own, they did not ask for anything. They were awarded for being noticed. Would you prefer no body to be recognised and to only hear of bad behaviour in schools? It does not make the town look good, nor the people living in it. I, for one think this is an advantage for Amble to be recognised as a good town!!!!
Ed – I think your comment “you cant expect everybody to behave well” speaks volumes.
I have added some more detail into the reasons why Amber and the other young people were nominated for this award. It may not have been clear that this was for outstanding behaviour and community spirit.
All too often these days we hear of kids causing or getting into trouble, so it’s encouraging to hear about young people behaving in such an exemplary manner. Raising hundreds of pounds for charity, organising and motivating others to undertake environmental projects, or caring for elderly relatives – surely it is fitting for our community to encourage and celebrate such attitudes.
But that’s my opinion!