Spurreli ice cream challenge winner announced

clockwise bottom left: Lucy Woodford, Lucy Ball, CSO Darin Fawcett, Kathryn Wilkinson, Ella Henderson, Nick Spurr, Billy Handyside
Billy Handyside has won the Spurreli Ice Cream Challenge. Nine year old Billy was chosen as the winner of the ice cream sundae competition set up by Nick Spurr of Spurreli’s and Community Support Officer Darin Fawcett.
Over 350 entries were submitted by children from Amble and Warkworth first schools and James Calvert Spence College South Avenue. The schools each selected a finalist, so Lucy Ball (9) from Amble First School, Ella Henderson (8) from Amble Links, Lucy Woodford (6) from St Cuthbert’s, Kathryn Wilkinson (JCSC South Ave) and Billy Handyside from Warkworth First School competed to create the best ice cream sundae.
Billy’s winning sundae comprised strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream with strawberries, whipped cream and raspberry topping. “I hoped I might win” he said. “I am very happy and I have won an ipod shuffle!”
Nick said “We’re going to include Billy’s sundae into our range and it will be available next week.” He and Darin praised the local youngsters.
“Generally whenever young children come in, their faces light up. It’s a happy family occasion. We are keen for Spurreli to be part of the community and to support the young people. Darin told me there were over 350 entries, that’s fantastic.”
The competition was very hard to judge, and all those who entered were praised.
Darin said “People like Nick and Katie make my life easier, by hosting competitions like this. They are so community minded. People in Amble are lucky. There is still a sense of community here which I believe other places have lost.”