About Us
The Ambler is a free independent community paper for the town of Amble, Northumberland UK. It is run by one full time worker and a dedicated team of volunteers. Our first edition hit the streets in January 2000 and we have produced six issues a year ever since.
Our purpose is to keep local people in touch with local events, and to inform and encourage discussion on issues of interest to the community. We deliver a free newspaper every two months to every house in Amble and a number to neighbouring communities. We also have a Twitter account and a Facebook page.
We are acknowledged as a popular, trusted and influential community resource, and we were honoured to receive a Commended acolade in the 2023 ICNN Independent Community Newspaper of the Year category. The Ambler was described as a touching and very worthy community initiative. “It’s so good, it’s collectable,” enthused one judge.

The Ambler was Commended in the 2023 ICNN Independent Community Newspaper of the Year awards
The Development Trusts Association (now known as Locality) has recognised The Ambler as an “inspiration in community enterprise throughout the country“.
We are also proud members of the Independent Community News Network (ICNN) and work within the Editor’s Code of Practice.
The Ambler Community Newspaper is a not-for-profit project, and serves to work with all sectors and groups in the community, to inform, discuss, campaign and raise awareness of projects and issues which may impact on local residents. We encourage diversity and welcome input from individuals and groups. Recognised as an independent communication platform, local and regional organisations regularly send us information on their groups and activities, and local businesses support us to an extent through advertising.
We thank all our sponsors and advertisers who enable us to continue production. We encourage contributions from anyone in the community who feel that they have anything interesting to tell us. We also encourage local people to join the team. Whether you are interested in volunteering, updating your skills or gaining more experience in IT and digital media, you will be most welcome.
The Artograffi page is produced by a group of young people aged 9 yrs upwards, who are interested in having their say and developing journalism, layout and photography skills.
For more information in joining The Ambler or Artograffi, contact Anna Williams.
The Ambler is a project of Amble Development Trust
Editorial Team:
Vivienne Dalgliesh, Norma Hinson, Ian Mackarill,
Anna Williams
Thanks to:
Mark Beswick, the Artograffi crew, Andrew Mounsey, Bart Rippon
Letters and the Right of Reply:
We welcome all your letters and emails. Your name and address must be supplied, but will be withheld on request. Letters are accepted in good faith, but may be edited. We do check for defamatory or libellous comments. Readers have a right to reply. Please send your reply as soon as possible, with reference to the letter in question, for inclusion in a following edition.
Complaints procedure:
The Ambler is committed to working within and adhering strictly to the Editors Code of Practice
However, if any person feels we have breached the code in any way and wishes to make a complaint, please submit your complaint, in writing to the editor (editor@theambler.co.uk) in accordance with the following steps.
- All complaints must include the name and date of the publication, with reference to the specific article in question.
- Please include the URL of the article if possible, and/or link to any image or video.
- A detailed description of the complaint, with reference to specific words, phrases, images, instances, dates and records that are relevant, and which clauses of the Editors Code of Practice you believe the publication has breached.
Who can complain?
- Complaints must be made on behalf of a named individual only. This includes complaints where businesses and organisations are involved
- In submitting a complaint, you must provide your full name, address, phone number and email.
What can I complain about?
- You can complain about any article, in print or online, including words, images and audio/video content.
- You can also complain about the conduct of an individual journalist or employee of the publication in question, with reference to specific (if any) clauses of the Editors Code which are in breach
Time Limit
- Complaints must be contemporaneous and must be made within four months of publication.
- The publication will endeavour to respond to the complainant within 21 working days.
Complaints process
- The editor will confirm receipt of the complaint within three working days by contacting the complainant via email.
- All complaints will be dealt with by the editor of the publication that published the article, and/or the employer of the named individual.
- The editor will investigate the complaint to the best of his/her ability, in respect of the Editors Code of Practice, and respond accordingly.
- If we uphold your complaint, we will inform you of the remedial actions taken or to be taken.
- If the complainant is not satisfied with the suggested resolution, complainants are free to seek the advice of a media lawyer.
All information provided to The Ambler will be handled sensitively and within the boundaries of the Data Protection Act 1998.