Plans submitted for Acklington Road and Signal Cottage
Plans for a new housing development in Amble were first introduced in October 2016, when residents could view the plans for 500 homes on Acklington Road and discuss any concerns they had. Now an official bid has been made which will be reviewed by Northumberland County Council.
The developers have been keen to highlight the benefits such a project will have for Amble, including the creation of around 500 jobs, including 55 construction jobs and 80 roles in a supply chain. The developers also spoke of the benefits the development would have in terms of boosting the local economy, as the new homes would bring up to 1000 people to the area increasing local spending.
Ann Burke chair of Amble Business Club stated: “It’ll definitely be a positive for local businesses, the more Amble grows the more people we bring into the town, the more likely we are to get work”
However the development continues to divide opinion amongst local residents, as some are not entirely convinced by the project, and feel the plans could potentially have a negative effect on the area.
The main concern held by residents is the junction on Acklington Road, which is believed to be overly congested as it is, and would need significant improvements if the development was to go ahead.
A public poll on the Northumberland Gazette website showed that 52% of the 94 people who voted were in favour of the new housing development. However this shows the community is still largely divided on the issue. Many residents believe that the Acklington Road development will be good for the community providing there are improvements made to the town’s infrastructure first.
If the bid is approved, it will move on to the reserved matter stage of the application, where developers will give a detailed description of the proposal. This includes appearance, means of access, landscaping, layout and scale.
Signal Hill development

A second plan was submitted after residents voiced objections to the original design for the Signal Cottage site
Another development causing discussion in Amble is the building of a residence and holiday lets on Signal Hill, the site of the recently demolished Signal Cottage.
Residents have voiced concerns about the building’s appearance and size not being in keeping with the site’s coastal aesthetic. However the developers stated that the materials and finishes are based on a marine palette and will be appropriate for the area’s aesthetic.
In their January planning meeting, Amble Town Council met with members of the public and discussed the concerns they hold for the new developments. More planning meetings will follow in the coming months.
Jordan Scott